What's gonna be in


More coming in!! ... but so far can confirm:

"It's Cool to Be HOT!" PARTY SWAG BAG Gifts:


    Three e-book collection, including:

    • Save Your Hair, Your Figure, Your Mind During Meno (pause)

    • Putting the Sexy Back in Meno (pause)

    • Top Diet Tips for Eating Well in Meno (pause)


    Special access to HOT FLASH RELIEF from one of the world’s leading practitioners of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) - a powerful holistic healing technique that resolves a range of issues, based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology


    • A Hormone Restoration Masterclass (“What every woman needs to know about hormone restoration, but her doctor will never tell her”)

    • A digital copy of 235-page book (yes, a full-length book), Hormone Harmony Over 35.

    • A 33-page guide on melting off stubborn, hard-to-lose hormonal belly fat

    • Smart Strategies to Address Issues When Hormones Are Out of Whack, e.g. Weight Gain, Hair & Skin Issues

    • A Customizable Habit Tracker to Track Your Physical, Psychological & Urogenital Symptoms

    • A Happy Hormone Cocktail to Improve Your Sleep, Fix Your Gut, and Eliminate Hot Flashes

    • A Guide of Suggested/Recommended Labs for Perimenopause/Menopause to Take to Appointments with Your Provider(s)!

    • Helpful Topics About Perimenopause/ Menopause Podcasts


    • Exercise workouts specifically for women in menopause that are designed to produce the best possible results taking into account the changes caused by fluctuating estrogen levels

    • Regaining your confidence & having the BEST sex of your life with a Healthy Pelvic Floor

    • A Guide to exercise planning with 3 part formula for fitness before, during or after menopause


    • Meditative exercises & special BONUS guide book for stress relief, mindfulness & calm

    • A Meet your future self guided meditation

    • A carefully crafted self-hypnosis audio for women to feel empowered, safe, supported, and loved


    • Connect with your "Inner-Ballerina" with a former principal ballerina with over 50 years of ballet experience who specializes in helping people reclaim joy in their bodies and hearts!

    • If you’re struggling with indecision, an Intuitive Art class giving an easy method for talking to your Higher Self

  • SEX

    • An amazing sex marriage guide to rekindle your sex life.

    • Advice to Stop "Should-ing" All Over Your Sex Life


    • Meno-brain checklists

    • Ways to declutter your life with the organizational world’s best-kept secret


    Amazing comedians to make you smile & LAUGH