Create work/art for these specific women for the “It’s Cool to be Hot Party!”You can provide an ode, anthem, homage, parody, whatever expression you think would delight. Provide us with a link to your masterpiece and we will send the MenOpopulation your way.That’s it - a No-Brainer.Want in? Super! Click APPLY! to fill out the form.
We’re inviting entertainers - cheerleaders - creatives who can make menopausal women happy to participate. Simply click the link above for the handy form that includes details about: Your offer for the MenOpopulation & this celebration of them (it can be something you already have or something created specifically for the “It’s Cool to Be HOT Party”) Which medium you are working in (e.g. art, music, comedy, dance, written word, performance…) What format are you utilizing (e.g. video, image, audio…) A fun description of you, your business & your present Provide a link to your art Your submission will be reviewed and once you are accepted, the MenOpop team will contact you! Once all party favors have been collected (CUT OFF DATE: October 10, 2023) a special link will be made available FOR FREE to all who sign up at will send them to their amazing virtual GOODIE BAG where they get to experience all the love, support & fun we can imagine together to celebrate them. NOTE: Please only send us what you create that you consider a gift. We will not use, sell or exploit this work in any other way other than as an addition to support these women inside this special link. Thank you. DO YOU WANT TO PERFORM FOR THE PARTY? If you would like to entertain LIVE ONLINE on Oct. 18th, we will gladly call attention to wherever you choose to perform on YOUR OWN platform— we can direct our followers to check you out! Fill in that section of the form above with details. Note: we are not hosting, we are simply amplifying your gift to the MenOpopulation.
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